Outdoor routes close to the Universal Aparthotel Elisa

Do you enjoy hiking, cycling tourism or Nordic walking as well as other outdoor activities? If the answer is yes, then start packing now, because our Universal Aparthotel Elis has the best routes for practising your favourite sports in the heart of nature. What more could you ask for?

Mallorca is filled with trails, routes that are perfect for exploring, dry stone paths and endless forests… coupled with a mild climate for most of the year, making it the perfect option for nature lovers.

At our aparthotel in Sant Elm, you choose your plan and we’ll help make it truly memorable!

The best information for enjoying your favourite sports

We give you the option of asking for information about our route app once you arrive at our aparthotel. You can follow the variety of routes on your own, either on foot or by bike, and receive useful tips and information about them all. What’s more, as a Universal Beach Hotels customer, you are entitled to access to the Pro version… for a month! Don’t miss this opportunity!